K-6 students located in Klamath County are invited to be creative and celebrate the land and farmers that grow our food.
To be a part of the contest, students will create an art piece representing a food grown in the Klamath Basin such as potatoes, cattle, barley, wheat, alfalfa, mint and more.
The entries will be scored on creativity, neatness and relevance to Klamath agriculture.
All local entries will be displayed at the Klamath County Fair 2024.
The top 11 art entries will be featured on 2024-2025 Klamath calendar and posters.
1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes awarded in two age categories (K-3 and 4-6 grades).
Prizes include:
Draw a featured item in its natural environment such as growing or grazing in a field, during harvest, or being served at the table such as a glass of milk or a baked potato.
Include something that represents the Klamath Basin such as:
If you're not sure what foods are produced in Klamath County, please give us a call (541.883.7131), visit Klamath Online Farmers Market or view the Oregon Ag in Classroom interactive map.
If you would like some ideas and inspiration, you can view past statewide winners at Oregon Ag in Classroom winner archives.
The following art formats will be accepted:
Not accepted: pastel, chalk, pencil. 3-dimensional or digital art.
All entries must be 11 by 8.5 inches (letter size paper), HORIZONTAL (landscape) pictures only.
To be considered, the submission must include a signed entry form.
Deadline Monday, May 1st, 2024
Along with a completed entry form, please submit the art piece by:
If you need assistance or have questions, please call our front office @ 541-883-7131.