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Western Extension Directors Association | WEDA
Request Info




Mike Gaffney 
Acting Director

Washington State University

411 Hulbert Hall, PO Box 646248

Pullman, WA  99164

Phone: 509-3354611
Email: mjgaffney@wsu.edu 

Assistant: Kristina Taylor
Phone: 509-335-2933

Chair Elect & Secretary

Cody Stone
Executivue Director

Montana State University

PO Box 172230 / 220 Culbertson Hall
Bozeman, MT 59717

Phone: 406-994-1750
Email: cstone@montana.edu

Assistant: Joanna Whittle
Phone: 406-994-4
Email: joanna.whittle@montana.edu
Website: https://www.msuextension.org/ 

Past Chair

Wendy Powers 
Associate Vice President

University of California

1111 Franklin Street, 10th Floor, Office 10105

Oakland, CA 94607

Phone: 510-987-9033
Email: wendy.powers@ucop.edu

Assistant: Kathryn Stein
Phone: 510-987-0145
Email: kathryn.stein@ucop.edu
Website: http://ucanr.edu/ 

Representative on ECOP Executive Committee

Barbara Petty
Interim Assoc. Dean & Director, UI ExtensionUniversity of Idaho875 Perimeter Dr., MS 2338 
Phone: (208) 885-5883
Website: http://www.extension.uidaho.edu

Executive Director

Lyla Houglum
Executive Director
Oregon State University
108E Ballard Extension Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331
Tel.: (541) 737-9920
Fax: (541) 737-4423
Email: lyla.houglum@oregonstate.edu

Assistant: Denise Ashley
Phone: (541) 246-3401
Email: denise.ashley@oregonstate.edu

WEDA Committee Assignments

NOTE: Unless otherwise specified, all files are in pdf file format.


Western Extension Leadership Development (WELD)

In 1999, WEDA created the Western Extension Leadership Development (WELD) committee, representing the 13 western states and territories, to investigate and develop a regional leadership training program for Extension faculty. Specific objectives are to have participants:

  • Develop awareness and appreciation of their own and others' leadership styles and learn to apply appropriate techniques in working with diverse individuals.
  • Develop skills to enable themselves and others to develop and articulate organizational/group direction.
  • Be able to enable the organization/group to effectively implement planned change.
  • Develop skills to enable others to work together effectively.

Read more about WELD and upcoming events.


Western Region Program Leadership Committee (WRPLC)

The Western Region Program Leaders Committee (WRPLC), a committee appointed by WEDA has developed some online resources for new employees that cover many areas central to Extension work such as:

  • History of Extension
  • Being accountable to our funders
  • Needs assessment, program assessment & evaluation
  • Documenting and sharing impacts, adult education
  • Extension scholarship

Read more about WRPLC and access these online resources.



Western Diversity Committee

In August 2007, WEDA appointed selected Western Extension employees to serve on the Western Extension Diversity Committee.

This group was formed to help advance the following goals in the WEDA Strategic Plan: 

  • Maximize the effectiveness of Extension as an organization This includes ...reaching out to diverse and changing populations and advancing the professional capabilities of Extension faculty, staff, and administrators in the West.
  • Assure that parity is reached or exceeded for diverse audiences through Extension programs in the West.
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Committee Charge | Final Report


Western Region Diversity Catalyst Team

IN 2010 WEDA asked the Diversity Catalyst Team to address diversity and training.

As a result, two diversity curricula were developed that the Diversity Catalyst Team recommended be integrated into a unified training program for Extension faculty and staff that can be delivered using blended teaching strategies (face to face instruction, individual asynchronous distance learning, facilitated small group exercises, and synchronous distance interaction between trainees and content providers).

To be successful, the Diversity Catalyst Team recommended financial commitments from several Extension organizations to purchase the training program once it is successfully designed and pilot tested.

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Committee Charge | Reports







Western Urban Extension Think Tank

To move towards a new urban Extension model, the Directors tasked the WRPLC to examine urban issues in the West and articulate best practices for urban Extension programming. The Western Urban Extension Think Tank was created and was tasked to:

  1. Examine and validate our assumptions about characteristics and future trends of the “urban West.”
  2. Develop and refine one or more models of urban Extension.
  3. Explore the feasibility of establishing an urban research and extension center in the West to provide the needed research base for urban Extension programs.
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Conference Agenda  | Conference ParticipantsPublications 


WEDA Urban Extension Committee

The Urban Extension Committee was created to address the following issues/questions:

  1. Review and report on the research base for operationalizing the model for urban extension presented in Extension in the Urban West.
  2.  Determine best practices for working with 25 to 34 year olds in urban settings.
  3. Recommend tools and evaluation methodologies to assure Extension’s contributions to and impact on joint projects with urban partners are both understood and recognized.
  4. Recommend ways that Extension personnel in urban areas across the West might better support each other and learn from each other 
  5. Identify potential partners for urban extension.
  6. Recommend how to advance the urban agenda in the West.
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Committee Charge  | Report 


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