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Female hands holding an aubergine above table of vegetables

Cook an Oregon Harvest Recipe


Spark children’s interest in trying new foods by learning basic cooking skills and exploring recipes together. Practice making meals from foods grown in Klamath County such as scrambled eggs and spinach.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the program, you will be able to:

  • Safely prepare a recipe with ingredients from food grown in Oregon
  • Identify where and how food is grown in Klamath/Oregon
  • Identify an Oregon grown food and taste it



 Farms in Oregon
Those farms cover about 16 million acres.

Week Two Activities

Make a Food Hero Apple Sandwich.  All you need is: an apple, peanut butter and raisins or seeds. To get started, watch this video.

Apples are grown in all parts of Oregon. Find the main growing regions on this map.

Click here for more ideas for cooking with apples.

Week Three Activities

Activity: Make an apple sandwich

Activity: Apple Coloring Page

Read: Apple Family Newsletter

Week Four Activities

Make a Grain Bowl (slide presentation)

Food Hero Rice Bowl Southern Style Recipe (handout) 

Week Five Activities

Prepare a 5-Plant Part Salad (slide presentation)

Prepare a Salad Dressing (slide presentation)

Plant Part Salad Recipe (handout)

What are Plant Parts Quiz (handout)


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