<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=342303822814161&amp;ev=PageView&amp;noscript=1">
Young woman showing eggs standing on a lawn

Meet a Farmer


Meet Klamath and Oregon farmers and learn how they grow or raise food for our schools and homes.

 Over eight-weeks, you will:

  • Attend virtual farm tours
  • Read about farmers
  • Research what foods grow in Klamath
  • Create a piece of art representing agriculture in Klamath

Learning Objectives

By the end of the program, you will be able to identify where and how food is grown in Klamath/Oregon


(in billions)
Dollar amount of American agricultural products that were exported around the world in 2018.

Week One Activities

Start exploring agriculture in Klamath and Oregon by joining our art contest.

Review all the details and start thinking about what you’re going to draw.

Week Two Activities

Get ready to draw - Learn what foods grow in Klamath County and draw a picture for our art contest.

Week Three Activities

New Activity: Where does your food come from? 

Read this story: Terry and Sam Solve the Mystery of Where Fruits and Vegetables Come From

Follow the Path of Fruits and Vegetables From Farm to Table 

Farm to Plate Matching Game

Week Four Activities

Food Starts on the Farm (slide presentation)

“Who Grew My Soup?” Book read by author (Video 7 minutes)

Pop-up guessing game on farm foods (handout) 

Virtual Oregon Farm Tours (Videos 30-50 minutes from Ag in the Classroom)

Virtual Oregon Farm Tours (Videos under 3 minutes from Oregon Farm Bureau)

Week Six Activities

Who Grows Your Food: Read profiles of local farmers (Slide Presentation)


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