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Starts on The Farm LESSON

Starts on The Farm

Grade Level  

State Standards Met: NGSS 3-LS1-1; SS 3.10; RI 3.2, 3.7; Essential Skills 4, 9 

Key Message: Students will understand many ag products and waste materials can be made into products we use every day.   

Main Lesson Video

If you plan to complete the main lesson video or all mini lesson videos please ensure your students complete the post assessments. The information gathered from the assessments will be used to improve curriculum and apply for further grant funding. 

If you would like to request a lesson kit with printed materials to send home to your students and/or the book that is discussed in the lesson, you must reside in KLAMATH COUNTY.  Click here to contact us, please include school, teacher name, and number of students in email. Please request minimum 1 week prior to date needed. If you request a book, you must reside in KLAMATH COUNTY and the book will need to be returned to the Klamath County Extension office. 

Each lesson video is accompanied by a teacher video script. This prompts educators to pause for discussion, play a video and/or references a handout to send home. 

If you would like to set up a zoom session with and OSU educator to guest teach or just pop in to read the lesson book and chat with your students. Please include the following in your request: date, lesson and time by email click here. Please request minimum 1 week prior to date needed. 

Supporting Lesson Materials
(printable lesson materials without kit)

Mini Lesson Videos
(Main lesson broken into shorter videos) 

Extended Lesson 

(based on lesson video key message)




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