The Roots of Resilience program supports early childhood teachers and child care providers promote resilience with children impacted by trauma. This six-module interactive online course includes activities, readings, videos, case studies, and reflections.
This course requires a coursebook (available online for free) for applied practices. The course is self-paced, but participants also receive support from an instructor at Oregon State University.
Participants deepen their knowledge of trauma and resilience in children’s development, learn to use a trauma-lens for observing and engaging with children, and cultivate partnerships with families and specialists.
Module 1: Trauma and Resilience
Module 2: How Trauma Affects Development
Module 3: Identifying Children's Needs with a Trauma-Lens
Module 4: Partnering with Families and Specialists
Module 5: Building Restorative Relationships in Early Learning Settings
Module 6: Guiding Behavior and Self-Regulation
What kind of technology do I need to access the online course?
We strongly encourage participants to use a computer to access the online course rather than another device such as a tablet or phone. Roots of Resilience is best accessed through Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. Because a majority of our activities are video-based, flash video player is required to view them. Often times, this player is already installed as part of your browser. However, some of our more interactive course activities require the latest version of flash player.
What is this coursebook and how do I get one?
The course requires a coursebook that can be downloaded for free from the course.
How long does it take to complete the online course?
The course is self-paced, so some participants take longer to complete it than others. There are 6 modules, although some modules have multiple parts. We recommend completing one module (or part) a week. This provides the opportunity to apply and reflect on your new learning.