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Microlearning Lesson -

How to Keep Learners Engaged

On Demand

Pop Quiz: Can you complete this sentence about online learning?

"Student _______  increases student satisfaction, enhances student motivation to learn, reduces
the sense of isolation, and improves student performance in online courses." ~ Florence Martin

A. Repetition

B. Time on task

C. Engagement

If you said "engagement" (or peeked at the title above) pat yourself on the back. 

In the free microlearning lesson on student engagement, you will learn:

  1. Three tips to grab and keep a learner's attention

  2. Activity ideas to boost understanding

  3. How to link a student's existing knowledge to a new topic

If you're ready to learn and master e-learning and instructional design, you can jump right into the 100% online E-Learning Instructional Design and Development Certificate

Access This Free Micro Lesson Right Here