The Wood-Based Composite Science Short Course series, developed in partnership with the Oregon Wood Innovation Center and the Wood-Based Composites Centerprovides mill operators as well as career professionals with a fundamental knowledge of wood as an engineering material in the manufacturing of wood-based composites.
If you complete the series, you may be eligible for a Certificate of Completion and will be able to improve manufacturing efficiency and product performance, troubleshoot processing problems and enhance your value as an employee.
Wood science and technology experts, selected from top universities, government research labs and industry, teach the course's seven modules.
The modules are integrated online and build upon each other to provide a logical progression as participants transfer newly-acquired skills to the workplace. Modules are self-paced and can be started at any time to help you balance your career and other responsibilities.
Each module includes five to 10 hours of instruction. Participants who receive a 70-percent or above on the course final exam will receive a Certificate of Completion.
Scott Leavengood is an associate professor and director of the Oregon Wood Innovation Center at OSU.
Chip Frazier is the Thomas M. Brooks Professor of sustainable biomaterials at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.