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Master Gardener Short Course Series

(Please note, though you will receive the same Master Gardener education that you can implement immediately, this program does not lead to a Master Gardener Certification).

The Master Gardener Short Course Series highlights sections from OSU's Master Gardener training curriculum, which are also offered in the Certificate of Home Horticulture online course.

This short course series allows you to study the specific fundamentals that you're interested in.

Master Gardener Short Course Series

The various subject areas of the OSU Master Gardener curriculum encourage you to learn the art and science of growing and caring for your own plants.

This Short Course Series includes the following 13 on-demand gardening courses:

  1. Basic Botany Online Course 
  2. Soils and Fertilizer Online Course
  3. Vegetable Gardening Online Course *FREE for a limited time*
  4. Introduction to Entomology Online Course
  5. Plant Pathology Online Course
  6. Pesticide Safety Online Course
  7. Herbaceous Ornamental Plants Online Course
  8. Sustainable Landscape Design Online Course
  9. Sustainable Landscape Management Online Course 
  10. Integrated Pest Management Online Course
  11. Woody Landscape Plants Online Course
  12. Container and Small Space Gardening Online Course
  13. Pacific Northwest Native Plants Online Course

Please note: If you're interested in receiving a Certificate of Home Horticulture, please visit our Certificate in Home Horticulture page or the Home Horticulture Summer Intensive course.

The on-demand short courses are designed to boost your expertise, however, they will not lead to the full Certificate of Home Horticulture. Also please note, you will have access to the on-demand course materials for one year after your registration date.

New Online Urban Agriculture Courses

We have a new Online Urban Agriculture program. This new program is a great way to learn about urban farming and adding natural beauty to your neighborhood.

To learn more, the first urban agriculture course in the series is FREE.

Free Gardening eBook

Gail A. Langelloto, who helped create the online Master Gardener Short Course Series, wrote an eBook titled "Growing Your Own," which provides basic advice on a wide range of gardening topics, ranging from composting to fertilizing to watering and much more.

You can receive Gail's "Growing Your Own" eBook for FREE today!

On demand. Access any time.
Each course takes 4-6 hours to complete
price (2)
$45 each
Additional Information:

risk-free-boxEnjoy peace of mind with our risk-free guarantee on online instructor-led courses.


Master Gardener Series: Basic Botany

On demand. Access any time.

Master Gardener Series: Sustainable Landscape Design

On demand. Access any time.

Master Gardener Series: Sustainable Landscape Management

On demand. Access any time.

Master Gardener Series: Herbaceous Ornamental Plants

On demand. Access any time.

Master Gardener Series: Integrated Pest Management

On demand. Access any time.

Master Gardener Series: Introduction to Entomology

On demand. Access any time.

Master Gardener Series: Pesticide Safety

On demand. Access any time.

Master Gardener Series: Plant Pathology

On demand. Access any time.

Master Gardener Series: Vegetable Gardening

On demand. Access any time.

Master Gardener Series: Woody Landscape Plants

On demand. Access any time.

I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the content. The program is awesome. I wanted to just to supplement my hobby and learn some new things. I enjoyed the flexibility. I could login and logout as I pleased. With a cup of hot coffee right next to me! Loved it ! A+.

Drew Leclerc

I enjoyed the ease of still being able to spend time with my kids and not miss out on sports. Gardening is a lost art and we need more people from my generation and younger to engage.

Anastasia Timmerman

I'm interested in changing careers from real estate to horticulture and this program helped me become more confident that this is a career switch I could make as I was able to pick up on the information quickly. I enjoyed the videos that accompanied the information, so it was great to have that visual learning tool. It's a well thought out program with ample information and an overall great program.

Ashleigh Cummins

I was motivated by the convenience of online access and different options of the courses. It helped me improve my skills in the areas I wanted and actually helped me start a small plant nursery business. This program was well structured and informative. It was an overall great program.

Adam Armstrong

I was looking for an online Master Gardener course since my home state (NJ) does not offer any within an hour’s drive for me. I wondered whether or not information would be relevant for me in a different hort zone/state/coast. Through the series I learned a lot to enhance my gardening and to help teach my young students. I enjoyed the overall coursework, which allowed me to be more knowledgeable about growing at home and in my school garden. I also enjoyed the online flexibility! It’s extremely informative and easy to understand for someone who is a neo-Gardener. Please keep offering classes. It’s an amazing, trusted resource.

Sonya Harris

 I was motivated to earn my Master Gardener recertification. I gained increased knowledge of our insect world. I liked the moderator, I thought the instructors were knowledgeable, and the system was easy to use.

Barbara Jackson

I most liked the practical aspect of the course. Because gardening is an art form as well as a science it is really hard to put these aspects into a course. I will say the program helped me understand the plants which make my council area beautiful. BTW I think its county in the US and council in the UK and Australia (I live in Adelaide South Australia). Thank you for investing your time in the course:)

Ben Parkin

I learned new things that will help prepare me for a master gardener program. I’d recommend these courses - the online option and courses were easy to follow while learning the new material.

Cassie Brown

I learned a lot about how to know if things are doing well or not in my garden... and then how to help others too. You get out of it what you put in to it, so there's no pressure... It's a great learning opportunity and environment.

Courtney Davie

The courses are great. From this program, I've been able to help others have a better idea of how to manage their land and gardens. The land where I work is thriving with new life, and all the choices have made this the place where things happen, using all the resources that the land itself grant us. The professors are cool, accessible, and down to Earth people who are willing to help you achieve your goals and dreams. The courses offer all the tools to make everyone choose the right path in terms of sustainability and correct management of their land. Keep on going. Suggestion, add a tropical course. The climate and the terrain is crazy. People will have a better understanding of how permaculture works in tropical parts of the world.

Edgardo Granel

I wanted to expand my knowledge for my role as children's education coordinator at a local botanical garden. I enjoyed the online flexibility and self paced format and it helped expand my knowledge. Great information, easy access. Look forward to doing more online classes through your program.

Ellen Lane

The "Master" in the name was intimidating! The program opened up a whole new world of ideas and I love the way it encourages me to keep educating myself. I recommend it all the time, mostly because of the quality of the teachers.

Jessie Milligan

I have my own garden and am not always successful with it and I wanted some knowledge about gardening. I learned several things about gardening that have helped me to become a better gardener such as identifying certain problem pests and signs of sickly plants/vegetables etc. I also discovered our soil is very alkaline and our roses had black spot and powdery mildew. I enjoyed the online flexibility and I could go at my own pace and learn a new skill.

Joi Poulin

It has helped me in my own garden and I would like to enroll in the full program but I live in Washington state. It's definitely worthwhile for anyone looking to broaden their knowledge and appreciation.

Julie Stream

After learning about Soil Food Web, I realized I wanted more education and took the OSU MG - Basic Botany course. It was my first botany course beyond simplistic coursework of Jr. high and high school. It reinforced some foundation I had and gave me a much stronger understanding. I'm now working on projects including a growing simulation and a botany themed novel that have both benefited from the new info I've learned from this OSU course. (Learning what you don't yet know is a huge springboard to help you teach yourself new things.) I enjoyed the variety of methods including written downloads, videos, and graphics were a well rounded way of keeping the work engaging. It's a great way to connect to expertise from far away without having to travel to OSU for the coursework. I really appreciate the opportunity OSU MG gave me to learn valuable information.

Karl Aldinger

I had an interest in gardening and the desire to get some educational background and this seemed like the best online offering. Now I want to go further and learn more, and eventually have my own greenhouse :) I am now able to talk with some authority on plant classifications, soil, and plant pathologies. I helped my neighbour figure out why her garden was failing and gave her advice to improve its health - it worked and she was really happy! The flexible online learning option was what sold me - my high pressure job demands odd and sometimes long hours from me, so learning online made it possible for me to study with OSU. The knowledgeable instructors and great resources for students. I'm from Canada, and the fact that I was willing to take your program and pay US dollars instead of take a gardening program at my local college - says a lot about my perception of the quality of your education. I was not disappointed.

Laurie Smith

I wanted to learn more about gardening from a research-education based organization. I feel more informed about new topics and stronger in ones that were reinforced. I like the videos that reinforce the written portions. I also appreciate that there are occasionally free courses. It’s a wonderful resource based in research.

Valerie Moore

I am a Lane County Volunteer Master Gardener and I am always interested in expanding, improving, and refreshing my gardening and agricultural knowledge. The phytophthera course significantly elevated my knowledge of that subject and has been useful to me from time to time when I was serving in the plant clinic. I particularly enjoyed receiving lectures from highly qualified experts and, of course, gaining knowledge in the comfort of my own home. I also like having links that I can go back to. These programs have enriched my life. It is a great privilege to interact and learn from the fine people running and teaching these programs.

William Detlefsen


Signe Danler
Home Horticulture Online

Signe Danler is a veteran Master Gardener and landscape designer with a Masters of Ag degree in Horticulture. In the Master Gardener Online program, she uses her experience and training in gardening, urban forestry and ecological landscaping to communicate about and promote sustainable gardening and landscaping practices.

Gail Langellotto

Gail Langellotto, OSU Professor and Guest Home Horticulture Instructor. Gail has a M.S. and Ph.D. in entomology, and has published research on topics as diverse as the costs of starting and maintaining a vegetable garden, pollinator-friendly gardens, and the benefits of gardening to healthy eatingHer OSU Extension Service and outreach efforts are focused on communicating research-backed management practices to home gardeners. For the online Master Gardener and urban agriculture PACE courses, she supervises overall course development, and reviews and contributes to course content.

Past Students' Work

Take a look at some recent projects our students have created.