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Pesticide Applicator Education and Safety

This course will prepare you for the Oregon Department of Agriculture Pesticide Applicator's licensing, with a focus on the laws and safety section that is required for most commercial pesticide applicator and public pesticide applicator certifications as well as the apprentice license.

Our industry professionals will share examples that are applicable to the turf and ornamental categories. 

If you are interested in obtaining commercial or public Oregon Department of Agriculture Pesticide Applicator's license or are just a conscientious home applicator, this course is perfect for you.

Build essential pesticide applicator knowledge

This six week online course will help you learn the essentials of pesticide applicator education and safety. Specifically, you'll learn:

  • Oregon laws and regulations associated with pesticide use
  • How to safely mix, load and apply pesticides
  • How to read a pesticide label
  • Calculations and calibrations necessary for application
  • Key concepts on basic pest biology

Study pesticide application with the experts

This program is designed and led by Oregon State University experts in pesticide application and turfgrass management with experience and connections throughout the industry. You will benefit from their experience through weekly video lectures and exams.

Turfgrass Management Program

This course is part of the Turfgrass Management Program that includes the following component courses:

Please note: This course is primarily designed for those working in northern climates such as Oregon and Washington, Europe, Scandinavia and parts of Canada; however, course concepts may apply to other climate zones and some information on warm-season grasses is also covered. By focusing on these climates, you'll gain detailed information you can apply to your own park, field or lawn.

Course Hours and GCSAA Class A Credits

Course Title Course Hours GCSAA Class A Credits
Introduction to Turfgrass Management 30 3
Introduction to Golf Course Management 36 3.6
Pesticide Applicator Education and Safety 18 1.8
Irrigation and Drainage 21 2.1
Cool-Season Turfgrass Diseases and Suppression Using Fungicides 30 3
Turfgrass Mathematics 36 3.6
Turfgrass Insects and Weed Management 36 3.6
New dates coming soon!
Six weeks | Asynchronous

Disponible en español (bajo demanda)
price (2)
$325 (+ $60 registration fee)
Additional Information: Educación y Seguridad para Aplicadores de Pesticidas Este curso está disponible completamente a pedido en español. Haga clic aquí para inscribirse en cualquier momento.

risk-free-boxEnjoy peace of mind with our risk-free guarantee on online instructor-led courses.

Ask us about Team Training. We can customize this program to fit your organization's specific needs.


Dr. Alec Kowalewski

Alec has over 17 years of research experience and multiple publications on various cool-season and warm-season turfgrass species obtained while employed at Michigan State University, Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, the University of Georgia and Oregon State University. Alec is an Associate Professor at Oregon State University and teaches several undergraduate classes in the Department of Horticulture. Alec also provides Extension material for stakeholders in turfgrass and landscape management.

Charles Schmid

Chas Schmid, Ph.D., has over 15 years of experience conducting research focused on cultural management practices for golf course turf. Chas is a faculty research associate at Oregon State University, where he teaches in the undergraduate and PACE programs at OSU.

Emily Braithwaite

Emily Braithwaite is a Faculty Research Assistant at Oregon State University, with research focusing primarily on managing turfgrass diseases.

Ruying Wang
Dr. Wang's current research directions include turfgrass disease suppression using Epichloë endophytes, as well as exploring the carbon sequestration potential of managed turfgrass systems. 

Past Students' Work

Take a look at some recent projects our students have created.