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Photo Gallery

Welcome to the Josephine County Photo Gallery!

Here you can share and see what others are learning and observing about growing plants, the environment, our community and healthy eating and active living.   It’s ok to share  drawings and photos of plants, insects, flowers, fruit, gardens, a park, food at home - the store - or famers market.  Anything related to Family Food and Garden club activities EXCEPT photos that include people.   Kids always ask for permission and help from an adult to upload your photo.

Have FUN  sharing!

Family Food and Garden Club

NAME: Sara R. 

DESCRIPTION: Contents of the garden activity kit.

Delivering activity kits-1

NAME: Sara R.

DESCRIPTION: OSU Faculty Cheryl Kirk delivering activity kits to Allen Dale Elementary School.

Grange donation delivery for Family food and garden club

NAME: Sara R.

DESCRIPTION: Many thanks to Jennifer at the Grange Co-op for delivering their donation of supplies for the garden activity kits.

Hunter D

NAME: Hunter D

DESCRIPTION: Garden Project

Hunter D

NAME: Hunter D

DESCRIPTION: Planting Project

Hunter D pic 3

NAME: Hunter D

DESCRIPTION: Pet Pal- Wheat Grass Project

Popeye smoothie (2)

NAME: Zella and Lyla K.

DESCRIPTION: We have been enjoying the cookbook, our new favorite recipe if the popeye power smoothie. We are trying the lasagna next!

Bug pic

NAME: Hunter D.

DESCRIPTION: Bug captured on oriental lily

WG pet paljpg

NAME: Hunter D.

DESCRIPTION: Wheat grass Pet Pal Project! 


NAME: Roxie S. 

DESCRIPTION: These are my plants